Asparagopsis taxiformis (Delile) Trevisan


Asparagopsis taxiformis (Delile) Trevisan


Plant erect with much branched, entangled rhizome like creeping portion, giving off few rhizoids here and there below and above erect shoot, appearing bushy in well developed plant; stem terete, with bushy tuft above, 20 cm or more in height, branched; lower part of stem for some distance from the rhizom like portion, to about 5 - 15 cm without branches; higher up branches dense, closely inserted on all sides of the stem, 2 cm long, several times pinnated, attenuated at ends; ultimate ramuli filiform, curved or coiled inwards; ceramidia at apex of transformed ramuli, with large number of spores; substance in stem firmly cartilaginous, branches and ramuli, soft and flaccid; colour dark brownish or purplish red, cystocarp sub-sessile, urceolate, opposite to branchlet.

Distribution : Gajarat, Maharashtra, Goa, Lakshadweep

Ecological status : Intertidal zone,

IUCN status :NE

Uses :

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